Recruitment Agencies Recruitment Agency News

Drivers Negligence: Why You Need Cover

Are you entering Drivers Negligence Agreements with your clients? If so, you need to ensure you have the proper insurance…

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by Mark Bowers
07 Jul 2024
Are you entering Drivers Negligence Agreements with your clients? If so, you need to ensure you have the proper insurance coverage in place to mitigate risk. Our Drivers Negligence Insurance offering includes:
  • Robust Protection: Up to £10,000 per claim and £50,000 in total protects your business from financial repercussions.
  • Broad Coverage: No age restrictions and acceptance of common driver convictions provides broader protection.
  • Tailored Solutions: For drivers who don't meet experience requirements, we can offer higher excesses on a case-by-case basis.
Don't leave your business exposed. Contact us today to discuss Drivers Negligence Insurance as part of your Recruitment Insurance programme.

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